Bluezone Actions
If you’ve been following last year’s news, you might have heard of “The Women in Denim”: A network for all women within the denim industry. The Women in Denim initiative and community believe that they are stronger together. That great things can be achieved by supporting each other. Now, they are inviting all of you to join forces and make a difference.
Did you know that women are paid 24% less than men to do the same job? That 94% of top managers are men? That at the Cannes Film Festival, only one Golden Palm has been awarded to a woman since 1946! And more shockingly, that only one year ago, 100% of BLUEZONE’s exhibitors were directed by men?
Fed up with these numbers and so many social injustices, BLUEZONE’s denim creative Lucie Germser decided to make the denim community aware of these statistics and organised a talk. BLUEZONE immediately supported her idea and was happy to host this important social talk.
So, it all started at BLUEZONE in September 2019. Lucie Germser gathered interesting women from the whole denim industry: managers, creatives, artists, agents, workers. Beginning with discussions about their positions, their concerns and providing them with ideas to make a change. From this point on, she started to call it “The Women in Denim”. A simple, but straight-to-the-point name.
After the big success of this event, Lucie Germser and BLUEZONE decided to further support the movement and launch it as an international event. From that day, BLUEZONE helped The Women in Denim to enlarge its community, empower women and encourage them to talk and share in their determination to be considered equals to men – from hearing these international testimonies, there is surely still a long way to go.
BLUEZONE hosted The Women in Denim twice and has sponsored them since the very first day. International brands like Artistic Milliners, Tencel Fibers, Effe Bi PR Agency and Dorlet have also supported and sponsored the female denim community, allowing its members to travel to Munich, Milano and New York.
Covid-19 has stopped this dynamic community from traveling and meeting in person, but The Women in Denim Instagram profile has continued encourage denim women of all ages, jobs and origins.
The community also named ambassadors in countries such as the US, Portugal, Italy, Indonesia, Germany, Pakistan, Netherlands, Turkey, France, Spain, Tunisia, U.K. and Australia.
Stay tuned! BLUEZONE and The Women in Denim are currently working on three new projects: A digital one, and as soon as borders will re-open, two huge new projects in the South of Europe and in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, feel free to join the community on Instagram and LinkedIn: @TheWomenInDenim